samedi 6 décembre 2008

Petite question en vidéo pour arbitres de MR

6 commentaires:

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(In English for umpires)
Very interesting case, not so obvious to judge!.
After black spinnaker gybed and is sailing very close to the wind, it might be a normal manoeuvre to take down the spinnaker which means that the spinnaker might be at that moment in normal position. Then the spinnaker has been left in a position with the halyard fully released even when the boat bore away, I could not see any try to re-hoist it which should have been the normal manoeuvre to comply with the normal position of the spinnaker in the definition of Finish. I can't believe it was a bad manoeuvre (so I believe it was in purpose) but even if it was a bad manoeuvre, how a bad manoeuvre could give such advantage? it opens the door to a lot of movie players!
The situation looks similar to me at the normal position judged when the boat with a bowsprit is making her penalty around the Finishing mark, we are not giving any delay to retract the bowsprit, otherwise it becomes impossible to judge.
Finally learning from this situation it might be time to consider for (next rules edition!!) to judge only the hulls as we will judge them next year at the zone!...

Anonyme a dit…

Désolé je réponds en breton...Avant de juger de la position "normale" du spi pour finir, il me semble voir une péno bleu avec le coup de sifflet. Est-ce que cela annule une péno jaune en suspens de (gilmour) ? ou non? car le spi bleu ne cherche pas du tout à réaliser une péno. Quoiqu'il en soit, le spi bleu prioritaire sous le vent en rentrant dans la zone doit laisser de la place. Ce qu'il fait en revenant assez haut tout comme gilmour affalant son spi en bon marin. (tout du moins au début !)
le pb après est qu'aucun bateau ne continue d'affaler (en récupérant le tissu) ni ne rehisse. A partir de là, on peut considérer que les 2 spis sont en position normale, et qu'il revient au CC de juger le 1er spi qui coupe la ligne... (comme dit PGomez, "Dieu reconnaîtra les siens !")
En résumé,je suis bien d'accord avec Gégé qu'il serait temps de juger les coques et c'est tout.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Sebastian,
I believe it is the umpires outsmarting themselves. You "normally" sail with the spinnaker set, not flapping. Otherwise, as part of finishing, you might want to drop the spinnaker. I don't believe it is the intention of the rule. Anyway, loosing a red flag protest to Gilmour is easy. He plays people well.
Sten Mohr

Anonyme a dit…

Sebastian, hello Marc.
It is long ago i was an IU, but to me the Decision is sad and simply wrong, artifical. I looked at the video several times, and you see the drop is not in one (seamanlike) way, They keep the kite flapping, meaning they do not drop. It is that simple. I learned that Umpires all too often create complicate arguments, where a normal sailor sees it their way.
Jörn Richter/GER

Guilou a dit…

can add that dropping a kite over a mark is the best way to touch the
mark. We can understand that Gilmour's crew didn't want to drop
completly the halyard to avoid touching the mark. Seb and his crew did
a nice manouver but Gilmour's one doesn't look out of seamanlike manner.

Guilou a dit…

For sure better with a change of the rule: take the hull. More obvious for everybody.